That Time I Was a Child Bride…

“Twice, I was a wife. Well, one of the two was legally binding, anyway. Ironically enough, the first was both illicit and the most ceremonious and expensive. The time I married my brother's step-kid after roommates turned bedmates, there was no requirement for signed parental permission when applying for the official marriage license. Although, there ought to been; let's be honest! No guests were in attendance for that one, and there was no dress; just him and me, my seven-month-pregnant belly…”

Vol. 8: Emotional Sobriety

"Although coined by Bill W., co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, the term "emotional sobriety" applies to anyone with a sympathetic nervous system, regardless of whether you're afflicted with addiction. Emotional sobriety is a body/mind phenomenon. It encompasses the ability to experience and talk about feelings alongside learning to live life in balanced ways so that both the mind and the body can live in harmony. As we sober up emotionally, we expand our ability to tolerate what we're feeling, to live through fierce emotions without acting out or self-medicating."

The Walk of Audacity

"The walk of shame is never pleasant. But you do get used to it. A New York City walk of shame isn't half-bad, save for when you inevitably wake up next to a bike messenger somewhere out in Red Hook, asking yourself why the hell you wore the Chloe slingbacks with the five-inch platform out for a night of doing rails off the lid of a dive bar toilet tank again. And don't think for a second you're taking a hot shower before wandering the concrete jungle in search of your own bed..."

Vol. 18: How to Train Your Monkey Brain

“ Now, as our brains are the most complex structure in the known universe, let's keep it simple and describe your brain as if it has two characters living inside of it. One is sensible, positive, organized, and considerate—we'll call this your human mind. The other one we've been talking about, who lives in the primitive part of your brain, tends to be judgemental, negative, emotional, and selfish. Zen Buddhists, amongst others, call this part the monkey mind.”

Vol. 26: The Introvert's Guide to Friendship

"Friendship is one of the most critical relationships in our lives; buddy bonds provide an essential source of social support. In addition, a strong network of friends can help cushion stress, loneliness, anxiety, and other potential mental health problems.
Research shows that people with close friendships are more likely to experience positive emotions and live with greater satisfaction. So even one solid homie can do wonders for your mental health!"

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